Why Stay Here when the Love Is So Cold?

I was listening to Muhsinah’s The Oscillations: Triangle album today for the first time (yeah I know I’m late) and Stay Here, produced by Exile, begins to play. I realize that I’ve heard this beat before! It was on ex-Jamiroquai bassist Stuart Zender’s side project Azur (pronounced Az U R). Azur is a dope unreleased project that never made it to the shelves and featured vocals from Don-E and D’angelo. D’angelo lent his vocals to Love is So Cold which was one of my favorites from the album. Check out the original and see how Exile chopped it up and looped it so Muhsinah could deliver her vocals. Which do you like the best? Leave us a Love Note and let us know

Exile – Stay Here ft Muhsinah 

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