Keith Sweat – Ridin’ Solo

Are you a Keith Sweat baby? Well I am, actually I am every soul-singers baby. Which means I’m sitting here waiting for all twenty-something of my child support checks. But if you aren’t sure that you’re a Keith Sweat baby, then you probably are. And if you are a parent who listens to Keith Sweat, you probably have made a baby to his music. But this is besides the point. The point is, that Mr. Sweat released an album last June and for those who didn’t here about it. (I’m pointing at you, you and you), you need to go out and cop it and start procreating. It’s important. Winter, is here.

I have provided you all a few links to help set the mood off.

For those who are unsure, Mr. Sweat has managed to maintain a constant style over the years. While Ridin’ Solo includes a few more ‘modern’ tracks, it still maintains the classic r&b sound that Keith Sweat is known for. Overall, the album is well worth the money (every track on the album is strong, which is rare) and very reminiscent of a sound that has been lost over time. I’m glad to see that Keith is still able to single handily hold it down in the name of good r&b.




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