Clicks & Whistles – Raw Passion (DJ Ayres Remix) [Download]

While partaking of some bad air on a break from the 1 to 10, someone struck up a convo with me about music and asked if I’d ever heard of Clicks & Whistles. I could only answer no, but scribbled the name into Evernote for checking into later. Later turned into two months and may have turned into never if I hadn’t needed some unrelated info that I’d recorded in the same app today.

Good thing too, as I would have missed out on the original “Raw Passion

and kicked myself later about not experiencing the lushness of the remix provided by DJ Ayres.

Clicks & Whistles – Raw Passion (DJ Ayres Remix)

Click over to RCRD LBL to get the free goods on this track or use your purchasing power and get this track and even more of their music and other remix variations over HERE.

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