BamaLoveSoul.Com is Going Away


As you may know we’re creating a compilation that we would love to release on vinyl. What you may not know is that we plan on using the funds from this compilation to fund the site as costs continue to increase. If we are unable to raise these monies we will be forced to shut BamaLoveSoul down.
We get upwards of 5000 visitors to the website in 1 day. If everyone that visits BamaLoveSoul .com in one day donates at the very least $1, we can reach our goal in one day.
We have one month to reach our goal. Please don’t let the fact that you have to log in to KickStarter deter you. You support what you like and if you don’t donate your message is loud and clear. We love you and love what we’re doing but can no longer afford to run the site without the donation of at least your dollar. Please support HERE

Thanks in advance,

DJ Rahdu
Editor in Chief

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